Molly Brown

Foster mom Stephanie shares a really sweet love story with her girl, Molly Brown:

Molly Brown

A short story about foster dog turned fospice dog turned my dog. Molly Brown.

After losing her best mutt friend and being banished to the garage to mourn in dark solitude, Molly was subsequently abandoned by her lifelong family.

Muttville saved her and happy prevailed over sad. Just Molly became Molly Brown. A tender heart, smart with plenty of mischief. She landed herself a wonderful home, it didn’t work out and serious health issues emerged. A poor prognosis was issued and she decided to live out the rest of her days here.

And here she still is. Two years later! Still naughty, still happy. She certainly still struggles with her sickness and anxiety, but is stable on average. Molly Brown loves all and is loved by all. This super star has become my dog, my Beagle Rock. Not what I planned on but what I am so incredibly grateful for.

Seems sort of amazing that sometimes the dogs with little hope are the ones who rise above the odds and end up staying here with us the longest.


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.