
Hi Muttville,

My Chulita is still going strong after 14 years! Here’s her story:


I adopted Chula/Chulita from Muttville on Nov. 21, 2009, following the death of Monkey (also from Muttville). Chula was my 3rd adoptee from Muttville. She had been “rescued” from the Oakland Shelter. The Oakland Shelter estimated her age to be about 8 years old. When I adopted Chula, she joined a canine household of 2 other little rescues. Now, 13 years later, she is still alive and relatively well. She has adapted-perhaps begrudgingly-to many new arrivals to my K9 family over the years. She makes me laugh because of her spunky personality. She snarls at you and growls and barks as though she is fierce, but she is a sweetie. Over the years, she has frequently been obliged to relinquish her dog bed to another dog, but adapts to change much better than do I!!! The vet also “fears” her!! In 2014, she moved with me and the others K9s from Milpitas to Gilroy.

I detect no vision or hearing problems. She likes her walks, is able to jump onto the couch, and seems to prefer jumping onto the couch rather than using the set of stairs that are right there. she loves to sleep on my bed, under a pillow! She has a great appetite and always walks around the kitchen after mealtime to search for any crumbs or leftovers in the dishes of the other dogs! She patiently sits outside Peggy’s crate, waiting for Peggy to finish eating so that she can lick the empty bowl!

She was recently diagnosed with kidney problems; however, other than the blood panel results, no other symptoms are present. So I am hoping diet and medication will be helpful and we will have a few more years together!

Thank you for all you and Muttville do for us!



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