

Who was Bo #109?

He was the boy who liked going near the water but not in it until one day he got his toes wet, swam a bit although not far or long, then came out with the happiest expression on his face.

He was the dog who liked to go everywhere with me but wouldn’t sit up or put his feet on the car door to look outside.

He was the dog who wouldn’t put his head out the car window.

He was the dog who would run circles around the furniture when he came in the house. Usually that meant he pooped! We were both happy then!

He was the dog who’d stare at me and turn away when I looked at him, then stare again when I turned away!

He was the dog who wouldn’t take a treat. People tried claiming he’ll take THIS one. All the dogs love it. Not Bo. He was not your everyday dog.

He was the dog who wouldn’t go through the dog door I had installed for him or use any of the ramps I purchased but that was ok because we were going to find out what worked for him.

He had a bark like no other. Bark once, wait for it… Bark again. It was that single bark he’d use to get my attention when he needed me.

He was the dog that didn’t like to cuddle until he was having difficulty walking. I had to carry him outside, wait for his bark and carry him back. There was no celebration running circles, just letting me hold him and rock him to sleep with one of his relaxing music cd’s playing in the background. I bought a recliner/rocker just to rock him to sleep. I went grocery shopping just for him. His meals were cooked chicken tenderloin, shredded and veggies. Usually grated or steamed carrots but he liked other veggies so we’d switch it up now and then. He went for acupuncture treatments but it wasn’t clear if he liked that or not. He pee’d on the acupuncturist. Twice.

He was the dog that took years to give me a kiss one day as I carried him. That was worth the wait.

He was the dog that stole my heart without me realizing it was happening. But happen it did. As it turned out, all he needed was me to carry him, which I happily did.

So, the dog door remains unused. The ramps were returned or given away. I rarely sit in the rocker. His music still plays, day and night. Oh I tried to turn it off but something just doesn’t seem right without it.

RIP Bo Bo 7-13-2015

