
Tribbles came to us with health issues, but thrived amazingly in his foster home with Lisa for a whole year. His dreams finally came true when he was adopted by Se Young and Alex. Read the beautiful tribute written by mutt dad Alex:


Tribble passed away March 2015 in our arms and we are still heartbroken. We are grateful for the time we had with the lovable goofball and hope that he is having a blast across the rainbow bridge.

RIP Baby Tribble, I love you and all your fuzzy weirdness forever. Sad day, but also happy. Happy you’re young and running free again, maybe actually seeing what’s in front of you, hearing your name, and smelling the fake roses before you yank them out of their pots. Happy that you gave your mommy and me a fantastic year of silly faces and adorable snores. Happy that you were never a bore. Happy that you decided to be cuddly in your final hours, after hundreds of days of playing it cool. Happy that you let us dress you like a furry fool. Happy that we will always have the highest bar for how awesome a dog should be, but the lowest bar for how tall… you were so small. I hope you’re a huge albeit proportional menace in your next set of paws, giving someone else the great joy of taking you into heart and home. I hope you’re never alone. I hope I get to see you again my bestest friend.

Love Dad


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to with the subject line 'Success Story'.