Danny Boy

Danny Boy is one of Muttville’s hospice dogs, and we are grateful to have fospice caretakers Marie and Russell offer up their home and their hearts to dogs like Danny Boy – and they’re helping him fulfill his bark-it list too! Read on to hear all about Danny’s awesome life:

Danny Boy

Danny Boy has loved every day of his life with us. His joy is infectious. He tells the world that his life is awesome by singing with his raspy voice, or rolling on the ground, arching his back side to side and touching his back toes to his nose all at the same time. When he is outside, basking in the warmth of the sun, wading his feet in shallow water, or romping through tall grass, he is beyond happy. He is perfect. And he is invincible!

Anyone would expect a senior dog as handsome as Danny to catch the eyes of many adopters. As fosters, we planned to hang out with him for a short time until he found his forever home. As part of a routine senior wellness exam at Muttville, Danny received a blood test. It came back with very strange results (the vet thought that it was due to equipment error). The strange results turned out be due to multiple myeloma – cancer of the plasma cells. That means cancer cells are in his blood and bones. Although we happen to be hospice caretakers for Muttville, it was ironic that this healthy-looking senior dog that we thought was going to be an easy foster turned out to be a dog in need of special TLC and a hospice home. An oncologist told us he didn’t have much time to live, and we could buy some time if we started him on chemotherapy. We decided a quality life was better than a longer life.

Danny has cheated death for the last 13 months – without the use of chemo or cancer drugs. According to his vet Dr. Adam, who cares for Danny with both Western and Eastern treatments, Danny’s ‘shen’ is strong because of his joy and will to live. His cancer care has been simple: a home-cooked wholesome diet, Chinese herbs, and daily adventures. Danny says, “Cancer care? This should be every dog’s care for an awesome life!”

When we first learned of his cancer, we created Danny’s “bark-it list” -  all of Danny’s final wishes he wants to accomplish before he ‘kicks the bucket’. We have happily helped him fulfill his wishes – from visiting the state capitol to attending a fancy fundraiser to being a model! Danny’s bark-it list was read by over 300 people when it was featured on Dogster.com. How did he manage to get interviewed by Dogster? Well, the #1 wish on his bark-it list was to be a Dogster Hero! Of course they were honored to fulfill his wish! (Click here to see Danny’s complete bark-it list.)
Danny included on his list that he wanted to be a philanthropist. He wished that he could help other hospice dogs fulfill one of their wishes too. Danny made a goal to raise $1000 so he could spread a little joy to other dying dogs. (He only needs $43 to meet his goal!) 

Danny still has a few more wishes left to fulfill. Will he complete all the wishes on his bark-it list? Paws crossed, we hope so.

Many people have witnessed the awesome times in Danny’s life through his photos and stories on Facebook. We decided now was the right time to share his Muttville success story. Although Danny has been joyful most of the life we’ve known him, the cancer in his body hasn’t miraculously gone away. And it is time for us to face the reality of our roles as hospice caretakers.

Danny is also facing his mortality. He wants all his friends to know that he is thankful to be a part of the Muttville family. He is grateful for the chance to live life to its fullest, thanks to his family – Marie, Russell, and his canine siblings Gracie, Calvin and Ocean. And he wants to savor the memories when he was happy, funny, and feeling invincible. So Danny asked us to share our happy memories about him, like the times when he made us laugh with his ‘touching my back toes to my nose’ trick, or annoyed us with his terrible singing, or reminded us not to take life so seriously. And we’ll always remember the times when he invited us to roll around in the tall grass with him or enjoy a nice swim. Or just take a moment to smile.

“Short time or long time, as long as it’s a good time.” That’s what his hospice dad Russell likes to say. Danny Boy can attest that he has truly lived up to this motto.

Danny Boy would love your well wishes. Send him a note at dannyboy@smallclubsf.com


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.