
This is not just a Muttville success story about a mutt once named Scotty, now named Henry. Written by his mom Cara, read about Henry and Cara, two success stories that began after they found each other and changed each other’s lives in positive ways.


It all started with # 383. His name then was Scotty and when my husband Justin and I walked through to door to Sherry’s house and into to a cacophony of barks welcoming us to the official headquarters of Muttville, he was anxiously sniffing and watching as the other more forward dogs charged us. Justin sat on the couch and I stood next to Sherry and began explaining: “We’re just here to foster a pup…I got a new place and we can have dogs, but we’re thinking we don’t know if we’re ready for the long term commitment.” There were 2 other ladies there checking out the moving mass of fur and paws- a bit overwhelmed as well. It was quite the scene of energy, excitement, anxiety and anticipation.

Things calmed down a bit and that’s when this little senior dog made his move. His white fluff was a dingy gray at this point and his eyes were watery and lost. These were the symptoms you would expect from anything that had been through his recent dramatic life changes: from years with a cozy house and family to cold shelter, then to a new house with 13 other dogs and a future undefined. In the next moment, the sea of pups seemed to part and he moved forward, put his paws on my shins and stared upwards in silence. I was a bit startled by the calm move. While the rest of the dogs continued their alarm barking, Scotty continued to gaze at me. I stared back, then turned to Justin and said “Oh no…he’s coming home with us now.” Justin nodded with resignation knowing now that the foster gig was short lived and we gathered our new family member and took him straight for a bath. Scotty became Henry and millions of hugs later, he’s found a place in our hearts.

The story doesn’t end here, though. Henry has brought more to our lives than TLC…he helped me found a business. When I got Henry, I wasn’t prepared to be a long-term caretaker and having a full time career in Human Resources, I had to find walker immediately. My search began in earnest the day after we brought Henry home. I started asking around, looking online and reading what I could about finding a perfect match for your pup. Unfortunately, I wasn’t finding what I wanted: a daily outing (more than just a walk around the block) of at least an hour at a local park, a dog walker with solid educational or real world animal behavior experience, a service that was managed and not just a side job for someone, groups of no more than 6 dogs and a company with a bent toward environmentally friendly business practices. I was picky. I was also an HR Director who knew how to hire people. The solution became Canine Crew, my very own business where I could hire the exact people I wanted who loved Henry and any other pups that may want to enjoy a daily outing.

Now, two years later, Canine Crew has grown to 5 experienced walkers, a fabulous General Manager and more than 30 dogs who get to enjoy top notch care from outings to dog (and people!) training, to overnight boarding and sitting. Muttville has provided more than a home for a dog that needed love, it has provided a livelihood for 6 people, ongoing love and attention for the pups we service, and the excitement of starting a small business for a woman who wouldn’t have tried if not for a loving dog that made the decision to do it very easy. I never forget that. In order to pay it forward, I am extremely proud to say that in the first half of this year, we were able to donate $1,000 to Muttville and we expect to do the same for the second half as well. I can only hope that this money helps bring another dog to a loving home and helps inspire them to do something wonderful. You’d be surprised what a little dog can do.


Are you the proud parent of a Muttville dog? Send us your story! Include three of your favorite photos and send it to success_stories@muttville.org with the subject line 'Success Story'.