

Malcolm (aka Patoot) spent 13 years in a concrete backyard until an animal control officer climbed over a fence and confiscated him. I could not let this old man be euthanized after such a heartless life, so I brought him to Muttville. His name had been Malcolm but he was so cute everyone that met this shaved keeshund would exclaim “cutey patootie” hence the name, Patoot.

Being partially blind and completely deaf made his sense of smell that much stronger, he always knew when there was a meal going on!! But could sleep through trash day and even the 4th of July.

He lived the high life and truly enjoyed all that had been missing in his previous 13 years. He lived with our family over a year and once again gave ME such a feeling of fulfillment. I thanked him all the time for showing me his smile…a smile I will never forget.

